Friday, April 23, 2010

Natalies and Daddies Song

This song has always been just perfect for me and Nat and describes what I promised her on the night before my marriage ended.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Realize this!

The children in our lives will all too soon be grown and gone and then we will be longing for all these little things they do now that keep us on our toes. So cherish every minute and realize just how precious every second you have with your children is... before it's too late!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Sleeping Beauty!

She will kill me when she sees this on here. I just love to look at her so one night as I watched her sleep, I grabbed the camera to remember her with her hair all messed up. As you can see my baby is a Wildcat fan. I wanted to do her room in pink or purple, but she said "No Daddy, Kentucky blue"! So Kentucky Blue it is!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Are you above or below average?

I recently heard on the news something I could scarce believe. The recession ha caused more dads who I guess aren't working to spend more time with their kids. Now when I first heard this I was very happy about this, but when I heard the number I was in shock! The average father spends 7 to 10 hours a week with their child! And that is an increase! One hour a day and that's it (on average) Mom's do slightly better with 16 to 21 hours spent weekly with their children. Now I am a divorced dad I only get my daughter every other weekend, but during that time we are never apart except to go to the restroom and sometimes then she stands outside the door so we can carry our conversation on. I felt good knowing that my time I spent with my daughter was more than even dads who have the good fortune to actually live with their children, but I was saddened to think of the children out there who aren't getting the attention they need and deserve. So are you above average or below average? Spending time with your kids is life's greatest gift, invest yourself in them and then when they get older you will see your efforts were not in vain!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Do your kids feel close to you?

As Natalie and I sat in church yesterday I noticed something I have been so proud of. Natalie will automatically sit close to me and even put her head on my shoulder from time to time. She automatically grabs my hand when we are about to walk down a parking lot or a street. She will give me hugs out of the blue and shugies(kisses).She writes me little letters and draws me pictures.She tells me she loves me and when I say to her I love you the mostess hostess she repeats it back to me. Now I know that all this may sound weird to you, but I am so thankful for it and I wouldn't have it any other way. You see Natalie feels close to her old dad, and she knows that Daddy loves her know matter what, so there's no reason to try to hide hr true self from me, theirs no frustration or anger on her part to cause her to act out. And most importantly she wants to please me because she knows I am already proud of her. Can you say this about your kids? If not you can begin today, just put them first and see what happens!

Friday, April 9, 2010

New Posts

I have been at work since Wednesday and I am dead. I am going to bed till time to get Natty, this is my weekend so I will post on Monday this is our time.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Be respectable

I once heard someone say if we could only be the people we want our children to be. Isn't that true. Be respectable in front of your child. Children model behavior, if they see you act in a loud unruly fashion they will do the same. However if you have manners, decorum and show compassion for others they will do that as well. Don't curse and yell and be obnoxious in front of your child and then pray they don't turn out that way. My mother once cursed in front of my baby when she was three and Natty in he innocence repeated it and it was like someone had run a knife through my heart to hear my baby soil her mouth with a curse word. My mother seemed shocked when Natalie did this and I wanted to choke her but I couldn't in front of Natty.My mother is gone now, but her sister curses in front of Natalie and because of it Natalie has no respect for her. Always be a person the child can be proud of, a person above reproach, full of integrity and honor and your child will strive to be just such a person I mean after all that is the kind of person you want them to be right?

Friday, April 2, 2010

Show and tell

Remember back in school when they would have show and tell? Actually in my school we never had show and tell, but I heard about it on TV shows, anyhow I think as Daddies we must do both, Show and Tell our children how much we love them, how much of a blessing they are to us, how wonderful they are and how proud we are of them. We must do this everyday! It is so important these babies know this from their dads (and their moms) You see I firmly believe one of the major reasons kids get into trouble it is to get our attention for one, to see if we do truly care for them number two, and because they have low self esteem for three. Don't let your child be the one who gets on drugs or alcohol, gets pregnant, or runs with the wrong crowd all because they are looking for love in all the wrong places. Show and Tell them you love them every day. Half won't do it must be both Show.... and....Tell!

New Blog

My new weight loss blog as well as several new posts on all current sites will be done this weekend. Happy Easter!